Friday, June 15, 2012

Fun Summer Gadgets For The Whole Family

The weather's getting warmer, and you know what that means -- time to start shopping for fun summer gadgets! We've got the lowdown on the must-haves for this season below.
Radio Flyer Build-a-Wagon ($105-$269;
Introducing the first ever customizable wagon. First you can choose the wagon body that fits your lifestyle. Then you get to choose your accessories, whether it be storage space, sun protection accessories like a shade or umbrella or even cushioned seats.
Keurig Platinum with Brew-Over-Ice K-Cups ($179.95;
The Keurig System brings together the essential elements for brewing a single, perfect cup of coffee. So you get the beverage you love, from over 200 varieties of your favorite brands, with zero waste or mess — it's that simple! The patented Brew Over Ice K-Cup packs are specifically designedto brew directly over ice with any Keurig Single Cup Brewing system. Brew Over Ice technology allows each K-Cup pack to be packed with more coffee or tea — the perfect amount to create a cool, refreshing brew. Iced Coffee K-Cup packs contain more coffee per K-Cup pack in order to deliver full flavor when brewed over a cup of ice -Perfect Iced Tea K-Cup packs contain a blend of tea, sugar and natural flavor, specially blended for a Perfect Iced Tea every time.
Venturi Flame Fire Pits ($199;
Now you can have a fire pit in any outdoor living space with our small, portable fire pits that can sit on a table indoors or out. Simply light the gel fuel, put the top on and a beautiful dancing fire appears.
Brookstone Bed Fan with Wireless Remote ($99.99;
Kicking the sheets to the end of the bed at night? Try Cool Bed Fan. It tucks between the top and bottom sheets to cool your body -- the source of the heat -- instead of the entire house. More effective and efficient than traditional cooling methods, which only affect the air outside the sheets, you can turn off the AC and save on cooling costs. Cool Bed Fan disperses built-up body heat with a cool, refreshing breeze between the sheets. Wireless Remote sits on the nightstand for easy-to-reach adjusting. It controls the powerful dual fans that move up to 680 feet of air a minute dispersing built-up body heat under the sheets.
DXG Sportster ($49;
The Sportster 1080p High-Definition Underwater Sports Camcorder makes shooting HD video underwater easy.
Margaritaville Mixed Drink Mixer ($299.99;
At the touch of the button, the Mixed Drink Maker serves up 48 different cocktails (16 options per liquor type), from a Hurricane Punch to a Tropical Rita. Spin the center wheel and choose the cocktail that grabs your fancy, push the center button and the drink is dispensed in a matter of seconds. All you need is a cup!
Temptu Build-a-Bundle Airbrush Makeup System ($298;
Want to join the AIRbrush revolution and know exactly what shades are best for you? Select your ideal foundation, blush, and highlighter to build your own custom set, with over 600 possible color combinations!

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